5790B 交流测量标准是一款多功能交流测量和传递标准,由于它兼具热传递标准的准确性和数字多用表的易用性,绝对交流电压测量不确定度低至± 24 ppm (1 年,23 ± 5 ℃ ),因此可用于满足福禄克计量校准部5730A、5720 和5700A...
732C 和 734C 直流电压参考标准器
利用 734C,确立和维护您实验室中的主要电压标准器非常简单。随着时间的推移,通过对四个装置进行频繁对比以及对其中一个或多个装置进行定期校准,您可以将 734C 的不确定性降低三倍。...
908/909 频率参考
908/909 Frequency references offered by Fluke enables faster frequency calibration for a wide range of instruments such as frequency counters & synthesizers....
910X-50 |机架安装套件
Fluke Calibrtion produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe....
A40B-CAL/LC | 串联两台分流器进行测量的大电流适配器(LC 到 LC)
High current adapter to connect two shunts in series for measurement (LC to LC)
A40B-CAL/N | 串联两台分流器进行测量的小电流适配器(N 到 N)
Low current adapter to connect two shunts in series for measurement (N to N)
5790B/5 WB Cable| Cable, 50 Ohm Wideband Cable for 50 MHz Measurements
Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe....